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August 25, 2016

just another day…

Filed under: Uncategorized — ourtwomalamutes @ 5:36 am

Well today Mya went in for her first chemo session, dropped her off in the morning so they could run some tests first and they found she has a bladder infection. They don’t want to see that turn into a kidney infection with the chemo hitting on her immune system. So she is on a weeks worth of antibiotics now and we wait… some more… We don’t want any preventable problems to knock us back so we aggree with the vets about not having an infection going in to chemo. I figure they will probably want to do another chest Xray if this takes a while to clear up. We were all prepaired to segrigate her for bathroom breaks to keep Macleod from the drugs and getting over the worries of the chemo, now the first real setback. I guess we have been very lucky so far and bumps are to be expected. She’s a tuffy so we are sure she will get through this as well. She is still pain free and happy so thats what matters most.

Mya and Macleod snuggl’n


sptptptpt… not sure how to spell that ???


Mya & one of her brothers at 4 weeks


‘Gonna get that damn squeeker!!!


figured some happy thoughts were in order …


  1. keep strong and focused 🙂 on a positive note its good you picked up the infection nice and quickly thanks to the chemo…. it should be quick and easy to get sorted without causing her too much discomfort and then you’ll be back on track and steaming forward. We were due to have our 4th of 5 chemo’s yesterday but the they couldn’t get clean access to a vein for IV (they can only have one shot as the chemo would leak out of any holes in the veins and cause damage to the surrounding tissue). So we now need to wait a week until we can try again. Its only a small bump and I am extremely grateful for how successful our treatment has been so far but I can appreciate your disappointment and frustrations. Good luck you guys will nail it! 🙂

    Comment by Zuki — August 25, 2016 @ 8:33 am

  2. Your pics are adorable! I’ve learned on this journey to expect the unexpected. My dad always told me that “life is full of hills and valleys”, and that’s been so true for us these last 2 years since Nitro’s amp. I’m glad your vet is being cautious, and looking out for Mya’s best interest; and yay for happy and pain-free – what more could we ask from life?

    Paula and Nitro

    Comment by dobemom — August 25, 2016 @ 3:30 pm

  3. OMD!! These pictures are ADORABLE!!! The puppy poctures….the one of Mya “sticking her tongue out”…priceless!! 🙂

    Yeah, chemo getting delayed is not unusual here. I doubt that they’ll do another xray at that point. I delayed my Happy Hannah’s first chemo because she was having a rougher recovery than some and just wasn’t feeling good yet. She sailed through it when she did have it!

    Glad your vet is beging extra cautious. Very interesting about keeping her separate from Macleod. Hannah’s Onco didn’t even mention keeping my dogs separated from each other…thus I didn’t! How long do they have to be separated?

    So glad she’s doing so well and is so happy! 🙂 Keep these good updates coming!!

    Love and hugs!

    Sally and Alumni Happy Hannah and Merry Myrtle and Frankie too!

    Comment by benny55 — August 25, 2016 @ 4:12 pm

  4. I needed some puppy pictures to give me a boost…
    I believe they said 72 hours on the seperation thing but its realy just from vomit, urine, and fecies. The dogs can still play and be together, More or less Mya poops in her own place for three days and we clean up any messes in the house with bleach & water. They will give us a specal type of gloves for clean ups. have to keep everyone else away from the poision we have to dump into Mya.
    Terry, Allison, Mya, Macleod.
    “Mya way or the highway”
    “Macleod, there can be only one”

    Comment by ourtwomalamutes — August 26, 2016 @ 2:56 am

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