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DOGS RULE !!! To share all the good times for being dog lovers.

December 17, 2016

We all had a tear in our eyes…

Filed under: Uncategorized — ourtwomalamutes @ 9:43 am

Even Mya was crying, but she just wanted to go home. We are at Canada West Medical Services, In Vancouver, and our oncologist has just explained to us that Mya has had her last of the chemo. All her tests and blood work came back clean. We realised we wouldn’t be seeing all the amazing people that have taken care of our little girl every few weeks over the last five months. The doctor said she was going to miss her and we all got a little welly.

We have reached a major mile stone but sure had to push through it the last two months. Mya’s toe nail had bumped the chemo back a week at #4. Two days before the scheduled #5 we noticed a little bump on her cheek about the size of a dime. Through the hair you could see it was a little red. The next day it was worse, the hair was gone in the middle and you could see a little blood at the centre. Think she scratched it in the night. When we picked her up on the 23rd they had shaved the area and cleaned it up, THERE WAS ANOTHER ONE ! a couple inches up her jaw we couldn’t even see. The doctor thought our two dogs may have had a little jaw wag at each other. The first spot was a small puncture wound and the second could have been a matching K9. Dang… dissension in the ranks. I know Mya still tries to dominate Macleod, and that week they did have a couple of bones to gnaw on so maybe Big Mac stood up to it that time. Alison and I noticed that Macleod didn’t come out of his kennel till quite late even when I made something to eat, He usually appears right behind me if I’m in the kitchen, “stealth like that of a cheetah”. He seemed to be hiding out… we wondered if they might have had a moment.

Its been snowing sub zero for weeks now my Mal’s love it. The other day they were both out for a breath of crisp air and Macleod jumped over this little block wall, well, Mya followed, AAAA!!! it was like slow motion She arched up and leaped right over like an equestrian, all gracefully… then landed right on her face… good thing it was snowing. She brushed it off and I started filming them playing in the snow a few minuets later Mya tried to tackle Macleod and rolled off the amp side, and again right on her face but this time she let out a big yelp, the snow wasn’t so soft right there. Ok, I think its time for a nice safe nap.

I can see that her remaining limbs are getting bigger, a little more muscular. Her hair is coming back on her face and legs, the patch quilt look is starting to fade. Now that she is done with antibiotics and chemo we think she will start feeling even better then she has. She has done so well and has after going through so much it has truly changed my way of thinking. Most of the things we all worry about don’t even matter in the big picture.





We all want to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!


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