Well its come back around full circle…
Cancer is following me I think.
Wednesday morning we got a call from my sister that my mother was in hospital. A friend had contacted sis to say she was worried about mom as she was not her usual out going self and had been sent home the day before because she didnt seem to be well. She was taken to emergency the next morning and had CT which revealed 2 masses in her brain and a full body MRI shows suspected thyroid cancer. The Byopsy is schedualled for today.
I had planned to show the pictures of the new doggy pool we built in the back yard but im all upside down again. Macleod is hanging in there the medications are back on track and he has stabilised for now.
Does anyone know of any support in the vancouver island area for human patiants? There is a large cancer unit at Royal Jubilee hospital in victoria. This is a new one for us.