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June 4, 2018

Pet rescue ?

Filed under: Uncategorized — ourtwomalamutes @ 10:52 pm

Hi all, its been a little while since our last post. Diamond is adjusting well to her new forever home.  Its hard to beleve that someone let this little beauty go.

We were told that the previous owners said she was aggressive towards other dogs and she was. But with a little time spent with her she now walks with me daily and only another aggressive dog will get her in a defencive mode.

We found that a laser pointer is NOT a good choice for a high energy pet. And since have talked to our vet who aggreed. Aside for the obvious danger to their eyes it seemed to trigger her prey drive and for that whole evening she seemed to be waiting for that pesky red dot she couldnt catch.  It was a key chain pointer that turned on one day and she pounced on it like a cat. She chased it around the yard, funny for about 5 min then we noticed she was panting and quite agitated. Vet said that it could turn into the dog chasing cars with brake lights etc.  Needless to say but the pointer is no more. We are working on some tricks instead. I will try to get a picrure of her saying “Hi” and post it .

Terry, Allison, Diamond, *Mya, *Macleod,*Cy.



  1. Sooooo good to hear from you!!! And it just warms my heart to hear that your beautiful Diamond has found such a loving home. Goodness knows Maya and Macleod (and Cy too)KNEW she needed to be with you…and you with her❤

    She’s such a lovely dog who was juat waiting for someone like you and Allison to undrrstand her. I love how you and your Vet figured out that the laser was NOT good for her! Had not thpught of it like that, but now it makes perfectly good sense 😎

    Cannot wait to continue to follow her adventures and growth with uou! Ans DEFINITELY look forward to more pictures and videos!

    Thanks for sharing how Diamond is doing

    Hugs to all
    Sally and Alumni Happy Hannah and Merry Myrtle and Frankie too!

    PS. It was nice of you to post on the forum today to help another member process how to move forward. Maya and Macleod still javing an impaxt here!

    Comment by benny55 — June 5, 2018 @ 2:08 am

  2. REALLY good job folks, you are model pet parents not just for a Tripawd but for all pets. Diamond is one lucky girl to have you! And as Sally said, you do have much wisdom to offer here so don’t be shy!

    Comment by jerry — June 5, 2018 @ 4:35 pm

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