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June 4, 2018

Pet rescue ?

Filed under: Uncategorized — ourtwomalamutes @ 10:52 pm

Hi all, its been a little while since our last post. Diamond is adjusting well to her new forever home.  Its hard to beleve that someone let this little beauty go.

We were told that the previous owners said she was aggressive towards other dogs and she was. But with a little time spent with her she now walks with me daily and only another aggressive dog will get her in a defencive mode.

We found that a laser pointer is NOT a good choice for a high energy pet. And since have talked to our vet who aggreed. Aside for the obvious danger to their eyes it seemed to trigger her prey drive and for that whole evening she seemed to be waiting for that pesky red dot she couldnt catch.  It was a key chain pointer that turned on one day and she pounced on it like a cat. She chased it around the yard, funny for about 5 min then we noticed she was panting and quite agitated. Vet said that it could turn into the dog chasing cars with brake lights etc.  Needless to say but the pointer is no more. We are working on some tricks instead. I will try to get a picrure of her saying “Hi” and post it .

Terry, Allison, Diamond, *Mya, *Macleod,*Cy.


November 20, 2017

Diamond, in the ruff

Filed under: Uncategorized — ourtwomalamutes @ 5:43 am

Hi everyone, my name is Diamond, Terry and Allison just brought me home from the SPCA. Nice to meet everyone…

Ya we did, Allison saw a link in ‘adopt a pet’ i think, we looked up the local SPCA website. And found the page for this lovely little gem, she is a 3 year old husky/malamute cross they recieved her about a week ago. We both had appointments durring the visiting times so it took until Sunday to get over to see her.  She is not a Tripawd but the Dr.’s There have a concern of stones in a urine sample and are awaiting results. Until then they cant adopt her out so we have her as a foster to adopt at this time. We have had her home about 6 hours now and if they want her back I think they will have to pry her from my cold dead hands…

My jaw and cheeks hurt from smiling so much today.  And some how my back doesn’t hurt today?!? Allison is petting her while she is snoozing on the bed.

they say diamonds are forever…

I know we can give her the forever home she deserves.


October 28, 2017

Go’n through the motions…

Filed under: Uncategorized — ourtwomalamutes @ 11:14 pm

Its been almost 3 months since we said our goodbyes to Macleod, and over 6 months ago we parted with Mya. Between those dates a family member was diagnosed, and last Thursday I lost a dear friend to this horrible disease.   We were so wrapped up with this the past year there wasn’t any time for anything… we were always “on” and seemingly playing catch-up, to something, or battling some minor issue { usually a side affect } . I / WE never really sat back and took it all in… It changed me, I know Allison is feeling the loss every day. I’ve lost my mojo… I find my self shuffling around, A LOT, or just sitting in my office and staring. Were once in a while, on those paper work days,  I would always get a warm wet nose scooting up under and lifting my arm to give me kisses and say “com’on quit sitt’n around lets go do something”! Now I feel we were just going through the motions.

When we lost our first Mal in ’08, Cy our life was in turmoil yet again, Al’ had slipped on a sheet of ice in the alley behind our house and shattered her ankle { long 3 hour surgery} and she was not able to tend to our 13 year old who was losing the use of his legs {degenerate spinal disease, I forget the name}, and sleeping outside now . We had to put him down about a week after Al’s surgery and she was heart broken that she couldn’t be there for him. We heard of a dog show seen on TV where the winning dog was from a breeder near us and I look them up. They were just about to have a litter and we said “we’ll take two!!!” we jumped at the chance and are so grateful we had the last decade with Mya and Macleod. We had both questioned our loyalty to Cy with jumping right back in so soon and our thoughts were “well we got so much to give”… And that is soooo true, again, we are just spilling with love to give and its dumping all over the ground. We have to patch up the hole in our hearts.

We have started to look around, have asked our breeder as well but there are no litters planned in the near future (within a year), at least not in our Province, BC . Since this forum is so wide reaching I will put the call out, We are stuck on Malamute and do want a pair, can’t have just one… we’ve made a choice to only look into long time breeders of Malamutes and have seen a few adds with on line sign-up web based interaction or showing multiple breeds available. We expect that the breeder would be concerned and want to know about our home and yard , { hazards, free run area etc.} , the pets place in the home { where ever the hell they want…}, working schedule and that sort of thing. We would love to visit the pups in the first 8 weeks to watch them grow and would travel as far as we can anyway { one Province or State }. If anyone knows of something happening in the Pacific North West Please reply here.

Cy in the snow

he was completely covered just before this shot, we didn’t see him at first.

he didn’t like the camera and flash.

“Hair of the dog”  I’ve never gone so long without eating something that had dog hair in it … the lack of fiber has been detrimental to our health.



Angels; Cy, Mya, Macleod

August 2, 2017


Filed under: Uncategorized — ourtwomalamutes @ 7:23 am

With what’s left of our shredded hearts we post the news that our beloved Macleod crossed the bridge today at 12:35 pm.

There can and will be only one… Macleod. Here he was unique in every way, majestic and proud yet kind and loving. On the other side he’s sure to win the hearts of all who have the joy of meeting him. He runs, pain free again now, with Mya his best friend for the past 9 years. He put up a great fight , he rarely cried, and never lost his will to go on. He always wanted to go farther than we could let him. In the last few weeks we could see that the pain was catching up to him, he kept it quiet but we could begin to see in his face that he was hurting. Not wanting to see him go through this any longer and before a tragedy, like a fall in the middle of the night we made the mercy call. Our amazing and compassionate Veterinarian Dr. Judith Siegert and her assistant Wendy, came to the house today to send Macleod on his way. His last moments were calm and relaxed as all that pain drained away from his body. We spent the day chilling under the walnut tree eating BBQ steak and cookies & ice-cream. The sun was out and there was a nice breeze. Macleod didn’t ever really make a lot of noise but it sure seemed quiet around here this afternoon. We will miss you “Big Rig”

Rivers of tears and two broken hearts…………..

We lost our gentle giant

August the first day

Who fought a battle hard and strong

To have made it to this day


His kind and gentle temperament

Made you love him all that more

There could be no better feeling

Than him to meet you at the door


His crazy funny antics

As he ran around the place

He could actually say “I love you”

To put a smile upon your face


Handsome, kind and caring

That is just to name a few

The joy you brought to Dad and I

We hope we gave back to you


Your love just went forever

You left your paw print on our hearts

The deep bond we shared together

Means we will never ever part


Our garden once so beautiful

Feels like an empty space

The colours all have faded

Never being the same place


You are reunited now with “Mya”

We see the smile back on your face

The only joy we feel right now

Is your together at this place


But don’t forget the promise

That we made to both of you

We soon will be together

Hugging the both of you


So always check the gate our loves

And watch for Dad and I

As were climbing to the heavens

To wipe the tears upon your eyes……..


We shall love you both forever!!!!!!!

Gone too soon…………

Mom and Dad xxxxooooo

Is that the barbeque???

Yes it is !!


and ice-cream for dessert…and is that a peanut butter cookie?

Together forever…

We will always miss you, until we meet again.

Our heart felt gratitude goes out to:

Dr. Judith Siegert and her amazing staff at Port Moody Animal Hospital.

Dr. Sherisse Sakals, Dr. Dianna Saam, Mel, Amanda and all the caring specialists and staff at Canada West Veterinary Specialists.

Dr. Maja (Maya) and the staff at Healing paws Holistic and Conventional Veterinary Care.

Apawthecary Pets

Hemp & Bone

And without a doubt all the wonderful and caring people here at Tripawds, who really helped us get through some of the darkest times in our lives. Words cannot explain the love and admiration we feel towards all who have opened their hearts here in these forums. Thank you, from the very bottom of our hearts.







June 2, 2017

Damn! cancer

Filed under: Uncategorized — ourtwomalamutes @ 5:00 pm

Well its come back around full circle…

Cancer is following me I think.

Wednesday morning we got a call from my sister that my mother was in hospital. A friend had contacted sis to say she was worried about mom as she was not her usual out going self and had been sent home the day before because she didnt seem to be well. She was taken to emergency the next morning and had CT  which revealed 2 masses in her brain and a full body MRI shows  suspected thyroid cancer. The Byopsy is schedualled for today.

I had planned to show the pictures of the new doggy pool we built in the back yard but im all upside down again. Macleod is hanging in there the medications are back on track and he has stabilised for now.

Does anyone know of any support in the vancouver island area for human patiants? There is a large cancer unit at Royal Jubilee hospital in victoria. This is a new one for us.

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